Scottie’s passion is designing and enthusiastically implementing international sales strategies. He likes dabbling in strategy, branding and big-picture stuff, but the truth is, Scottie loves building businesses with great products and he’s good at it. Scottie has a Bachelor of Commerce.
Nick loves numbers and supply chains. He operates the business and works to make sure that our sheep milk products are the best they can possibly be. A man for precision and detail, Nick has the place running like clockwork and is a passionate advocate for all our Spring Sheep products. Nick is a Chartered Accountant, has a Bachelor of Commerce and a Bachelor of Law.
Andrea is our brilliant marketer and equally as quick-witted as she is creative, she is the driving force behind the brands. Andrea has 15+ years’ experience in marketing and a couple of innovation success stories under her belt. Her goal is to create a truly global sheep milk brand that New Zealand can be proud of. Andrea has a Bachelor of Science, majoring in Human Nutrition.
Shane is our key connector and partnership maker. With over 20+ years of senior sales experience, his mission is to take our sheep milk products to the world. A master negotiator and relationship builder, Shane establishes the best deal for all parties involved. While he is frequently earning Airpoints from preaching the benefits of sheep milk to the globe, Shane can otherwise be found golfing on the West Coast links of Auckland.
On the outskirts of Hamilton, Thomas grew up living and breathing farming, and his innate love of numbers naturally evolved into a passion for New Zealand agribusiness. Thomas runs the Spring Sheep Milk Co. farm development, farm operations and on-farm R&D programs, as well as managing the Farming Systems work-stream under the Sheep – Horizon Three, NZ Government Primary Growth Partnership (PGP) program. On any given day, he collaborates with genetics providers, research institutions, innovation organisations, farming operators, food processors and industry governance, with a long-term vision to drive innovation for our sheep milk industry to thrive on a global scale
Scottie’s passion is designing and enthusiastically implementing international sales strategies. He likes dabbling in strategy, branding and big-picture stuff, but the truth is, Scottie loves building businesses with great products and he’s good at it. Scottie has a Bachelor of Commerce.
Nick loves numbers and supply chains. He operates the business and works to make sure that our sheep milk products are the best they can possibly be. A man for precision and detail, Nick has the place running like clockwork and is a passionate advocate for all our Spring Sheep products. Nick is a Chartered Accountant, has a Bachelor of Commerce and a Bachelor of Law.
Andrea is our brilliant marketer and equally as quick-witted as she is creative, she is the driving force behind the brands. Andrea has 15+ years’ experience in marketing and a couple of innovation success stories under her belt. Her goal is to create a truly global sheep milk brand that New Zealand can be proud of. Andrea has a Bachelor of Science, majoring in Human Nutrition.
Shane is our key connector and partnership maker. With over 20+ years of senior sales experience, his mission is to take our sheep milk products to the world. A master negotiator and relationship builder, Shane establishes the best deal for all parties involved. While he is frequently earning Airpoints from preaching the benefits of sheep milk to the globe, Shane can otherwise be found golfing on the West Coast links of Auckland.
On the outskirts of Hamilton, Thomas grew up living and breathing farming, and his innate love of numbers naturally evolved into a passion for New Zealand agribusiness. Thomas runs the Spring Sheep Milk Co. farm development, farm operations and on-farm R&D programs, as well as managing the Farming Systems work-stream under the Sheep – Horizon Three, NZ Government Primary Growth Partnership (PGP) program. On any given day, he collaborates with genetics providers, research institutions, innovation organisations, farming operators, food processors and industry governance, with a long-term vision to drive innovation for our sheep milk industry to thrive on a global scale
Scottie suka mereka dan melaksanakan strategi penjualan antarabangsa. Beliau berminat dalam hal strategi, penjenamaan dan gambaran besar tetapi sebenarnya Scottie suka mengembangkan perniagaan dengan produk yang bagus. Scottie berijazah Sarjanamuda Perdagangan.
Nick suka angka dan rantaian bekalan. Beliau mengendalikankan perniagaan dan memastikan produk susu biri-biri adalah yang kami terbaik. Beliau sangat terperinci orangnya dan memastikan perniagaan bergerak dengan lancar. Beliau sangat menitikberat kesemua produk Spring Sheep. Beliau ialah Akautan Bertauliah, berijazah Sarjanamuda Perdagangan dan Sarjanamuda Undang-Undang.
Andrea ialah pakar pemasaran kami yang bijak dan kreatif. Beliau ialah penggerak bagi jenama kami. Beliau mempunyai 15+ tahun pengalaman dalam pemasaran serta beberapa kisah inovasi yang berjaya. Matlamat utama beliau adalah mencipta jenama global bagi susu biri-biri yang New Zealand boleh banggakan. Beliau berijazah Sarjanamuda Sains dalam bidang Pemakanan Manusia.
Shane ialah penjalin perkongsian dan pengabung kami. Dengan 20+ tahun pengalaman dalam pemasaran, misi beliau ialah memperkenalkan produk susu biri-biri kami ke seluruh dunia. Seoramg pakar perunding dan pembina perhubungan, beliau menubuhkan tawaran terbaik untuk semua yang terlibat. Walaupun beliau sibuk berkunjung ke luar negeri untuk menyebarkan kepentingan susu biri-biri, beliau juga boleh didapati bermain golf di West Coast links, Auckland
Di luarbandar Hamilton, penternakan menjadi kehidupan Thomas dan kecenderungan beliau dalam angka menyebabkan beliau minat dalam perniagaan pertanian New Zealand. Thomas mengendalikan pembangunan ladang, operasi ladang dan program R&D di ladang serta menguruskan Sistem Penternakan kerja aliran dibawah Sheep – Horizon Three, program Primary Growth Partnership (PGP), anjuran Kerajaan NZ. Beliau bekerjama dengan pembekal genetik, institusi penyelidikan, organisasi inovasi, pengusaha ladang, pemproses makanan dan pentadbir industri dengan visi jangka masa panjang untuk mendorongkan inovasi supaya industri susu biri-biri dapat bersaing di tahap global.
Nick Hammond 是 Spring Sheep Milk Co. 的首席执行官,于2021年上任。Nick 是天生的领导者,与他共事的人称他为企业家和开拓者。 他敏锐的商业头脑推动 Spring Sheep Milk Co. 从一个初创企业发展为正在高速增长的企业。Nick在新西兰拥有特许会计师和律师资格,并因不断创新而在国家舞台上得到认可。
在 Spring Sheep 创立之初,Thomas 就是公司旅程的重要成员,他极具远见,期望在推动绵羊奶业在全球范围内蓬勃发展。Thomas 在 2018 年获得了梦寐以求的 Zanda McDonald 奖,以表彰他在 Spring Sheep 的出色工作。 Thomas 在 Spring Sheep 负责带领深耕团队基因育种、奶源供应、加工和市场准入领域方面的业务。
Scottie 对于国际营销战略设计及应用抱有极大的热情。海外耕耘15年,Sottie 在向世界推广新西兰品牌方面拥有丰富的经验。同时,他也是 SLC Ventures 的董事。
James 的工作经验包括为谷歌在欧洲/非洲的合作企业进行商业财务管理,并就资本分配提供建议。同时,他也有投资银行的经验,并为成功的并购提供建议。James 还是一名注册会计师,并以赛德基金会学者的身份获得了牛津大学的 MBA 荣誉学位。
Peter 在乳制品行业拥有超过 16 年的工作经验,曾与多家行业领先的新西兰乳制品公司及他们的中国团队合作。Peter 还在销售、产品研发、主要合作伙伴关系拓展方面拥有丰富的经验,并且拥有乳铁蛋白领域的博士学位。
Shane 是我们对外衔接及商务合作关系的关键角色。凭借超过20年的高级销售经验,他的使命是将我们的绵羊奶产品推向世界。作为一名谈判大师及关系维护者,Shane 为所有相关利益方提供最佳合作方案,并且在新市场开发及销售渠道拓展方面拥有丰富的经验。
Andrea 是我们出色的市场营销推手,她机智又极具创意,是品牌背后的驱动力。 Andrea 拥有大型跨国快速消费品领域丰富的营销经验。 同时,她还有许多成功的创新案例,开发并实施了众多需求洞察计划和新产品概念开发项目。
Rob 是一位积极热情的专家,对团队建设和个人发展充满热情。常居怀卡托,为他在乳制品行业25年以上的职业生涯提供了平台,他的经验横跨运营、物流、质量品控、领导力建设和流程改进。他谦逊和冷静的个性帮助我们和合作伙伴建立了牢固的关系,并达成了业内最高标准和商业成果。
Med 有超过22年的食品制造商工作经验,涵盖市场准入、合规事务、食品安全和质量品控、新产品开发、消费者关系和关键数据管理。他在南非、马来西亚和新西兰居住期间获得了广泛的海外市场准入和合规事务经验。
Nat 拥有食品科学背景,在行业内有15年以上的工作经验,专注于在知名食品加工企业的各类新产品开发项目。Natalie 在绵羊奶新产品的配方、试验和注册方面有丰富的经验,在新西兰食品和乳业科学界享有盛誉。
Izzy 是一位充满激情的绵羊医生,目前是Spring Sheep 专属 Zealandia® 乳绵羊育种工程负责人。在法国进行了几年的乳绵羊研究后,Izzy 曾发表一篇关于新西兰发展大规模奶羊育种计划战略的硕士课题。她的全球视角,与新西兰牧场背景下的遗传增益理论相结合,是领先的 Zealandia® 育种工程的成功基础。
Joe 曾在新西兰大型加工企业担任过各类商业职务,并就此在乳制品行业建立起自己的职业生涯。通过这些职位,Joe 在农业领域精耕细作,并在行业内建立了良好的声誉。他还曾在政府部门为商业委员会管理乳制品价格审查体系。
Scottie’s passion is designing and enthusiastically implementing international sales strategies. He likes dabbling in strategy, branding and big-picture stuff, but the truth is, Scottie loves building businesses with great products and he’s good at it. Scottie has a Bachelor of Commerce.
Nick loves numbers and supply chains. He operates the business and works to make sure that our sheep milk products are the best they can possibly be. A man for precision and detail, Nick has the place running like clockwork and is a passionate advocate for all our Spring Sheep products. Nick is a Chartered Accountant, has a Bachelor of Commerce and a Bachelor of Law.
Andrea is our brilliant marketer and equally as quick-witted as she is creative, she is the driving force behind the brands. Andrea has 15+ years’ experience in marketing and a couple of innovation success stories under her belt. Her goal is to create a truly global sheep milk brand that New Zealand can be proud of. Andrea has a Bachelor of Science, majoring in Human Nutrition.
Shane is our key connector and partnership maker. With over 20+ years of senior sales experience, his mission is to take our sheep milk products to the world. A master negotiator and relationship builder, Shane establishes the best deal for all parties involved. While he is frequently earning Airpoints from preaching the benefits of sheep milk to the globe, Shane can otherwise be found golfing on the West Coast links of Auckland.
On the outskirts of Hamilton, Thomas grew up living and breathing farming, and his innate love of numbers naturally evolved into a passion for New Zealand agribusiness. Thomas runs the Spring Sheep Milk Co. farm development, farm operations and on-farm R&D programs, as well as managing the Farming Systems work-stream under the Sheep – Horizon Three, NZ Government Primary Growth Partnership (PGP) program. On any given day, he collaborates with genetics providers, research institutions, innovation organisations, farming operators, food processors and industry governance, with a long-term vision to drive innovation for our sheep milk industry to thrive on a global scale
Nick喜欢数字和供应链。他经营这家公司,努力确保我们的羊奶产品是最好的。作为一个精益求精、注重细节的人,尼克让公司的一切如钟表般运转,并且是我们所有Spring Sheep产品的热情倡导者。
Thomas出生于汉密尔顿郊外的农场,在那里成长,每一口呼吸都是农场的味道,他天生对数字的热爱自然演变成了对新西兰农业的激情。 Thomas负责Spring Sheep Milk Co.的农场开发、农场运营和农场研发项目,并在新西兰政府主要增长伙伴关系(PGP)Sheep–Horizon 3项目下管理农场系统工作。每一天,他都在与遗传学供应商、研究机构、创新组织、农业运营商、食品加工商和行业治理机构合作,从长远的角度推动我们的羊奶行业在全球范围内蓬勃发展。
Scottie’s passion is designing and enthusiastically implementing international sales strategies. He likes dabbling in strategy, branding and big-picture stuff, but the truth is, Scottie loves building businesses with great products and he’s good at it. Scottie has a Bachelor of Commerce.
Nick runs the New Zealand operations, with a particular focus on innovation through his management of the PGP Program (Sheep - Horizon Three). Nick is qualified in NZ as both a Chartered Accountant and Lawyer, and has been recognised on the national stage for his innovation. His experience includes PwC and Gallagher Group. He is also a Director on the Infant Nutrition Council for Australia and New Zealand.
Andrea is our brilliant marketer and equally as quick-witted as she is creative, she is the driving force behind the brands. Andrea has extensive experience in marketing and a couple of innovation success stories under her belt. Her goal is to create a truly global sheep milk brand that New Zealand can be proud of. Andrea has a Bachelor of Science, majoring in Human Nutrition.
Shane is our key connector and partnership maker. With over 20+ years of senior sales experience, his mission is to take our sheep milk products to the world. A master negotiator and relationship builder, Shane establishes the best deal for all parties involved. While he is frequently earning Airpoints from preaching the benefits of sheep milk to the globe, Shane can otherwise be found golfing on the West Coast links of Auckland.
On the outskirts of Hamilton, Thomas grew up living and breathing farming, and his innate love of numbers naturally evolved into a passion for New Zealand agribusiness. Thomas runs the Spring Sheep Milk Co. farm development, farm operations and on-farm R&D programs, as well as managing the Farming Systems work-stream under the Sheep – Horizon Three, NZ Government Primary Growth Partnership (PGP) program. On any given day, he collaborates with genetics providers, research institutions, innovation organisations, farming operators, food processors and industry governance, with a long-term vision to drive innovation for our sheep milk industry to thrive on a global scale
Of Taranaki, Ngā Ruahine and Ngāti Ruanui descent Michael is dedicated to helping create the commercial and cultural success stories that help New Zealand organisations thrive. Nimbly straddling a number of high profile roles in academia and the public and private sector, Michael lists Chancellor of Massey University, Chair of Plant & Food Research and the Inland Revenue Risk & Assurance Committee amongst his responsibilities. He is the steady hand on the tiller of the Spring Sheep board and revered by his colleagues for his clear-thinking pragmatism and calm Bond-like demeanour. Michael received his First Class Honours degree from Massey University.
Peter is the director with the in-depth dairy expertise and arguably the best beard. Most recently he was managing director of Fonterra New Zealand and prior to that of Lion Breweries and of SC Johnson and Son. He now splits his time between directorships and his roles as Board Chair of World Vision NZ and as a director on the board of World Vision International. Between surf trips, Peter plays a vital role advising the team about the various intricacies of fast-moving consumer dairy goods - a very special beast. In 2014 Peter was awarded Member of the NZ Order of Merit for his services to industry, and to philanthropy.
Steve is a curious chief – he is an author, start-up entrepreneur, management consultant, seed lover, innovator – with a passion for a strong New Zealand. A provocateur of ‘the norm’, Steve provides thought leadership and challenges to get the best thinking on the table and then actioned for results. Steve has a Bachelor of Law, a Bachelor of Arts and an MBA from Harvard Business School.
Lain is our New Zealand Agribusiness champion. He was most recently at the helm of Zespri Group Limited as CEO and was at the forefront of the kiwifruit industry’s spectacular recovery. Lain is now turning his hand to a portfolio role comprised of supporting a number of interesting investments, some Directorships, and some strategic consulting and mentoring. Lain has a Masters of Social Sciences from the University of Waikato.
Of Taranaki, Ngā Ruahine and Ngāti Ruanui descent Michael is dedicated to helping create the commercial and cultural success stories that help New Zealand organisations thrive. Nimbly straddling a number of high profile roles in academia and the public and private sector, Michael lists Chancellor of Massey University, Chair of Plant & Food Research and the Inland Revenue Risk & Assurance Committee amongst his responsibilities. He is the steady hand on the tiller of the Spring Sheep board and revered by his colleagues for his clear-thinking pragmatism and calm Bond-like demeanour. Michael received his First Class Honours degree from Massey University.
Peter is the director with the in-depth dairy expertise and arguably the best beard. Most recently he was managing director of Fonterra New Zealand and prior to that of Lion Breweries and of SC Johnson and Son. He now splits his time between directorships and his roles as Board Chair of World Vision NZ and as a director on the board of World Vision International. Between surf trips, Peter plays a vital role advising the team about the various intricacies of fast-moving consumer dairy goods - a very special beast. In 2014 Peter was awarded Member of the NZ Order of Merit for his services to industry, and to philanthropy.
Steve is a curious chief – he is an author, start-up entrepreneur, management consultant, seed lover, innovator – with a passion for a strong New Zealand. A provocateur of ‘the norm’, Steve provides thought leadership and challenges to get the best thinking on the table and then actioned for results. Steve has a Bachelor of Law, a Bachelor of Arts and an MBA from Harvard Business School.
Lain is our New Zealand Agribusiness champion. He was most recently at the helm of Zespri Group Limited as CEO and was at the forefront of the kiwifruit industry’s spectacular recovery. Lain is now turning his hand to a portfolio role comprised of supporting a number of interesting investments, some Directorships, and some strategic consulting and mentoring. Lain has a Masters of Social Sciences from the University of Waikato.
作为 Taranaki、Ngā Ruahine 和 Ngāti Ruanui 的后裔 Michael 致力于扶持和缔造商业文化领域的成功,以助力新西兰组织的蓬勃发展。他在学术界、公共和私营机构都曾担任过许多重要的职务,其中包括梅西大学校长、植物及食品研究机构主席以及税务局风险与保障委员会主席。
Lain 是 New Zealand Agribusiness 的领军人物。他曾于近期担任佳沛集团的首席执行官,并在猕猴桃行业的强劲复苏中走在前列。Lain 现在正转型为复合型角色,包括扶持创新类投资,担任董事职位,以及战略咨询和指导。
Sean 的职业生涯涵盖了35年的金融市场,以及在伦敦、悉尼、新加坡和东京多个高级管理职务。Sean 目前担任瑞士信贷集团的外部顾问,也是 Triple T 咨询公司的创始人和董事总经理。同时, Sean 也是 Jarden 集团的非执行董事以及 Pearlfisher 资本的主席。
Mark 在农业领域有25年的经验,曾担任包括运营、物流、技术和产品开发以及质量品控等方面的角色。Mark 曾在新西兰最大的乳品品牌工作近20年,担任运营和供应链主管,在以首席执行官身份加入Pāmu之前,他一直活跃在肉类行业。
Nigel 有超过25年的金融经验,涵盖企业融资、财务风险管理和银行业务。他目前是一家企业融资及经济咨询公司的董事和股东,也是两家拥有奶制品、耕地、绵羊和牛肉资产的农业公司的董事,同时也是众多乳制品顾问委员会的成员。
Of Taranaki, Ngā Ruahine and Ngāti Ruanui descent Michael is dedicated to helping create the commercial and cultural success stories that help New Zealand organisations thrive. Nimbly straddling a number of high profile roles in academia and the public and private sector, Michael lists Chancellor of Massey University, Chair of Plant & Food Research and the Inland Revenue Risk & Assurance Committee amongst his responsibilities. He is the steady hand on the tiller of the Spring Sheep board and revered by his colleagues for his clear-thinking pragmatism and calm Bond-like demeanour. Michael received his First Class Honours degree from Massey University.
Peter is the director with the in-depth dairy expertise and arguably the best beard. Most recently he was managing director of Fonterra New Zealand and prior to that of Lion Breweries and of SC Johnson and Son. He now splits his time between directorships and his roles as Board Chair of World Vision NZ and as a director on the board of World Vision International. Between surf trips, Peter plays a vital role advising the team about the various intricacies of fast-moving consumer dairy goods - a very special beast. In 2014 Peter was awarded Member of the NZ Order of Merit for his services to industry, and to philanthropy.
Steve is a curious chief – he is an author, start-up entrepreneur, management consultant, seed lover, innovator – with a passion for a strong New Zealand. A provocateur of ‘the norm’, Steve provides thought leadership and challenges to get the best thinking on the table and then actioned for results. Steve has a Bachelor of Law, a Bachelor of Arts and an MBA from Harvard Business School.
Lain is our New Zealand Agribusiness champion. He was most recently at the helm of Zespri Group Limited as CEO and was at the forefront of the kiwifruit industry’s spectacular recovery. Lain is now turning his hand to a portfolio role comprised of supporting a number of interesting investments, some Directorships, and some strategic consulting and mentoring. Lain has a Masters of Social Sciences from the University of Waikato.
Dari keturunan Ngā Ruahine dan Ngāti Ruanui, Taranaki, Michael membantu mencipta cerita kejayaan budaya dan komersial yang membantu organisasi New Zealand maju. Antara disesuaikan beberapa peranan tinggi Michael di akademia dan sekto awam dan swasta, Michael adalah Canselor Massey University, Ketua Penyelidikan Tumbuhan & Makanan dan Jawatankuasa Risiko & Jaminan Hasil Dalam Negeri, antara tanggungjawab beliau. Beliau sangat dihormati di kalangan Lembaga pengarah Spring Sheep kerana pemikiran jelas, pragmatisma dan ketenangan beliau. Michael telah menerima Kelas Pertama Kepujian daripada Massey University.
Peter ialah seorang pengarah dengan kepakaran tenusu yang mendalam. Baru-baru ini, beliau memegang jawatan sebagai seorang pengarah urusan bagi Fonterra New Zealand dan sebelu ini juga dengan Lion Breweries dan SC Johnson and Son. Beliau kini membahagikan masanya sebagai pengarah syarikat diantara kepengarahan dan peranan beliau sebagai Ketua Lembaga World Vision NZ dan juga sebagai pengarah dalam Lembaga World Vision International. Peter juga memainkan peranan penting dalam memberi nasihat tentang pelbagai perkara yang berkaitan dengan barangan tenusu. Pada 2014, Peter dianugerahkan Member of the NZ Order of Merit kerana perkhidmatan beliau kepada industri dansifat kedermawanan beliau.
Steve ialah ketua yang serba ingin tahu– beliau ialah penulis, usahawan syarikat permulaan, perunding pengurusan, peminat bijirin, inovator – dengan semangat untuk New Zealand yang hebat. A provocateur of ‘the norm’, Steve menyediakan buah fikiran dalam kepimpinan dan cabaran bagi mendapatkan hasil pemikiran yang terbaik dan mengaplikasikannya untuk membuahkan hasil. Steve berijazah Sarjanamuda Undang-undang, Sarjanamuda Sastra dan MBA dari Harvard Business School.
Lain ialah jaguh Perniagaan Pertanian New Zealand kami. Beliau pernah mengetuai Zespri Group Limited sebagai seorang CEO dan menerajui pemulihan industri buah kiwi. Lain kini mengalihakan minatnya kepada peranan portfolio yang terdiri daripada menyokong beberapa pelaburan yang menarik, sebahagian kepengarahan, dan sebahagian perundingan strategik dan kementoran. Lain mempunyai Sarjana dalam Sains Sosial dari University of Waikato.
Of Taranaki, Ngā Ruahine and Ngāti Ruanui descent Michael is dedicated to helping create the commercial and cultural success stories that help New Zealand organisations thrive. Nimbly straddling a number of high profile roles in academia and the public and private sector, Michael lists Chancellor of Massey University, Chair of Plant & Food Research and the Inland Revenue Risk & Assurance Committee amongst his responsibilities. He is the steady hand on the tiller of the Spring Sheep board and revered by his colleagues for his clear-thinking pragmatism and calm Bond-like demeanour. Michael received his First Class Honours degree from Massey University.
Peter is the director with the in-depth dairy expertise and arguably the best beard. Most recently he was managing director of Fonterra New Zealand and prior to that of Lion Breweries and of SC Johnson and Son. He now splits his time between directorships and his roles as Board Chair of World Vision NZ and as a director on the board of World Vision International. Between surf trips, Peter plays a vital role advising the team about the various intricacies of fast-moving consumer dairy goods - a very special beast. In 2014 Peter was awarded Member of the NZ Order of Merit for his services to industry, and to philanthropy.
Steve is a curious chief – he is an author, start-up entrepreneur, management consultant, seed lover, innovator – with a passion for a strong New Zealand. A provocateur of ‘the norm’, Steve provides thought leadership and challenges to get the best thinking on the table and then actioned for results. Steve has a Bachelor of Law, a Bachelor of Arts and an MBA from Harvard Business School.
Lain is our New Zealand Agribusiness champion. He was most recently at the helm of Zespri Group Limited as CEO and was at the forefront of the kiwifruit industry’s spectacular recovery. Lain is now turning his hand to a portfolio role comprised of supporting a number of interesting investments, some Directorships, and some strategic consulting and mentoring. Lain has a Masters of Social Sciences from the University of Waikato.
Michael是Taranaki、Ngā Ruahine和Ngāti Ruanui毛利部落后裔,他致力于帮助新西兰的企业取得商业和文化上的成功,并得以蓬勃发展。 Michael在学术界、公共部门及私人企业中,担任了多个重要职务,其中包括梅西大学校长、植物与食物研究所主席、国内税收总局(the Inland Revenue)风险与担保委员会主席。他是Spring Sheep董事会中稳健的操舵手,以其清晰的思维、务实的作风和冷静的风度而深受同事尊敬。Michael以一等荣誉的优异成绩获得了梅西大学(Massey University)的学位。
Peter,有着董事会中最漂亮的大胡子,拥有乳制品方面的深度专业知识。最近他曾担任新西兰恒天然(Fonterra New Zealand)乳业的总经理,此前是雄狮啤酒(Lion Breweries)和美国庄臣(SC Johnson and Son)家化的总经理。目前他身兼新西兰世界展望会World Vision NZ)董事会主席,以及国际世界展望会(World Vision International)董事会董事二职。 闲暇时喜欢冲浪的Peter在团队中非常重要,针对快速发展的奶制品的各种错综复杂的问题给出指导意见——真是个不同寻常的人。2014年,因其对产业的贡献和慈善之举,Peter荣获新西兰功绩勋章(NZ Order of Merit)。
Lain是新西兰农业的领军人物。他曾担任佳沛集团有限公司的首席执行官,并且见证了新西兰猕猴桃产业的强劲复苏。 莱恩现在正向其它角色转变,包括支持若干有趣的投资,参与董事会以及提供战略咨询和指导。 莱恩拥有怀卡托大学的社会科学硕士学位。